I'm not sure if you can make me out in this picture... but if you look really closely you'll be able to see me in my designated spot at the swim up bar... at least, that is where I anticipate spending most of my awake hours this upcoming week... of course alternating the bar seat for the "in pool" lounge chairs.
Tim and I leave for our trip in about 8 hours... Yep, 8. That puts us at 3:30 am. Lovely. Take off is at 5:45... But, I count our trip starting at 3:30... Let the games begin!!!
These international flights are confusing with their "rules". I packed up my little zip lock bag with all of my "items"... I wonder how they come upon these regulations. I understand a lot of them, and trust me, I am not the best flyer and happen to be one of the most anxious (paranoid) people you will meet, so I am all for them... but, some I just don't get. Like the fact things that are liquids or aerosols (among others) must be packed in a clear plastic bag... quart size. It's not that big. My sunscreen, medication, and inhalers were enough to squeeze in there. Why the quart size, seriously. The half gallon or gallon would have been much more accommodating.
I am eager to see how much we packed that we won't need. Also, what we didn't pack that we will need. I tend to be a heavy packer, ok, that might be an understatement. I am a heavy packer. When I go away for a night or two, you would think I was leaving for a week or more. This was a challenge, I haven't been on vacation like this in years. I wonder how we'll do... My father will be happy to know that I packed 3 dresses... and a skirt. I'm so girly. I have to admit though, as I was folding my favorite sweatpants that came out of the wash today, I thought to myself how much I was going to miss wearing them for a week. That is pretty sad. I wish I didn't just admit that here.
So folks. I think that about wraps it up here. Oh boy, I just had one of my typical pre-flying thoughts... the "this could be my last blog... what if the plane crashes...this is the last thing people will read from me...how tragic". This should go on for the rest of the night until approximately 10:40 tomorrow when we land in Aruba. Then will promptly resume next Saturday and last until the wheels hit Logan and come to a complete stop. I mean, complete stop. I don't trust landing until we are up and walking. I've got my "calm" playlist ready for the flight, very similar to the "I'm not afraid of planes crashing mix" that I made a few years before a flight. haha. I think I need to make a "I'm not afraid of wearing bathing suits" mix as well! I am going to self medicate myself with drinks to get myself into one... I find myself trying to calculate the angle my lounge chair will be able to go to before I start to get unsightly "shadows"... and by shadows, I mean rolls which cast shadows... It is going to be hard to read and drink margaritas if I am completely flat... but I don't think I am going to be able to angle myself much better! I figure I can drape something over my midsection when inclined... Yes, I have spent a lot of time thinking about this... Sadly, I am now posting it as well.
I hope everyone that is on vacation this week enjoys it! And for those of you not on vacation, I am sorry. You too should have gone into education! You did this to yourselves! :) If there are no plane crashes and my liver is not pickled, then I am sure I will be back next week with a post vacation update. Watch out Aruba...
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