
lots of nothing.

I have a feeling this is going to be pretty erratic and long... You have been forewarned.

I am sitting on the couch in my favorite fleece pants and a hooded sweatshirt... my uniform. Completing my uniform, of course, is the 15 lb yorki-poo snuggled up in-between my body and the arm of the couch. I skipped out on practice today. All day I've had that "feeling" of coming down with something. Waves of nausea which evoke fear of the stomach bug that is going around. I feel completely drained. Exhausted, even more than usual. Something isn't quite right... But I cannot get sick and let my mother have the satisfaction. No, my mother is not evil and wishing illness upon me... but, she likes to remind me EVERY time I talk to her that I did not get my flu shot this year. Its a motherly nag thing, which she is good at. I've been praying I wouldn't get sick just so I could excuse my laziness of not getting the shot and of course gloat.

Photobucket Photobucket
I just finished reading the book Eleven Seconds by Travis Roy. Just as a reminder, Travis Roy was the B.U. hockey player that was paralyzed eleven seconds after his first face-off on the BU hockey team. He is a quadriplegic and has dealt with subsequent medical issues following the accident. My sister read the book a few years ago and strongly suggested I read it, so now years after, I have finally remembered. I find it truly inspiring that someone can be thrust into such a difficult and devastating situation and yet continue to look for the silver lining in all things. At times I felt myself questioning the authenticity of his statements and beliefs. It almost seemed too good to be true. I guess it goes along with the concept, or phenomenon, that when people are put into extraordinary situations, they rise to the occasion. His accident did not just change his life forever, but also the lives of everyone around him. Each page of the book, my heart ached for everyone that loved and knew him. His family rallied themselves and stood strong to provide as much support as possible. In a way, I find them to be the most inspiring people in the book. Travis also had a girlfriend that he had been dating since high school and she stuck by him through his injury and rehabilitation. She took care of him in ways that no one should have to take care of their loved one, especially at their age. Bladder and bowel cleansings for him each morning at the age of 20 years old. Unbelievable love and support. He is the first person to recognize the impact these people have on his life. It is really a remarkable story. I highly recommend it to anyone. While there is a lot of sadness in the story, there is an over-all feeling of hope. It definitely puts a lot of things into perspective. All of a sudden the annoying pieces of hair that continuosly fell in my face today (hence interfering with some key pickle ball shots) did not seem so bad.

This story comes at an interesting time for me. Lately I've been feeling pretty unmotivated. Alright, completely unmotivated. I feel as if I go through these fluctuations frequently in my life. I suppose this is due to a couple of factors, but at this point in time, I just seem to be at a real loss. I want to feel passionate about something. I want to feel excited, productful, and like I am doing something with myself that is going to make a difference. These days I just feel so lethargic. Like it is an effort to do much of anything, let alone feel enthusiastic about something. (I know, I need to stop procrastinating and actually call the doctor... I think some blood tests are due... in my hypochondriatic mind, I have already assumed its something tragic that is causing the exhaustion... I probably just need more protein, haha). But, I hear stories about people who can't wait to get up and go to work or who volunteer and feel fulfilled. This, like Travis Roy's optimism, is something I can't fathom. Maybe I am missing my nitch in life. There must be something out there... other than Maddy. I know, I'm obsessed with her, haha, but really, she makes me feel that feeling that I am having such a hard time trying to describe right now.

The other day I was talking with a friend about a couple different things and the topic of our blogs came up (Yea Gilly!) She made a comment to me about something I had written and that she liked "my voice". She also said that it was similar to how I talked, but at the same time it wasn't. Of course she said it in a much more eloquent way and I just butchered it with my 5th grade vocabulary, haha. But, later in the day I was thinking about this comment and realized that the way I write in these blogs really isn't how I talk to people, but it is how I talk in my mind. One of the most frustrating character flaws of mine is my internal mute button. What I wouldn't give to turn that damn button off, even if it were two minutes. Whenever I have a conversation with someone, I hear in my head exactly what I want to say, but am completely unable to verbalize the words. The more complicated or emotional the issue the more mute I become. Its worst times are when I am trying to express anything that is connected to my emotions... which is when I really should be using words. I will literally try to will myself to say the words that are on the tip of my tongue... but they will not come out. This is the main reason music has been such a large part of my life. Many times I have used lyrics to convey what I have been trying to say to someone. This is also how I started writing. Poetry... I guess that is one word for some of the things I write... like music, has been an outlet for me. It is a place that I can let out the deeper emotions, feelings, or words that I want so desperately to say, but cannot. I have irritated my fair share of people with my verbal blockage that usually induces the standard, "I don't know" space filler. Those words just flow out of my mouth, why can't that be muted! Anyway. The point I am getting at is that, I speak much differently than I think. I always assume that people think I am very simplistic in my thoughts because I talk that way. My vocabulary continues to dwindle every year! When I have conversations with people, I am constantly thinking about how stupid and uneducated I sound, which in turn makes me more nervous to talk. I also start to worry that people think I'm just a "gym teacher". This is something that lingers in my mind when I talk to other people, especially other teachers. I know on many levels it's silly... everyone I am friends with is extremely respectful of my subject area :) But, I always feel inferior and I always think that other educators and students think that way about me as well. I started to ramble AGAIN and lost my final point... I am not a "simple thinker". If anything, I am the complete opposite which someone of you either know about me already or have possibly noted at one time or another. If I had a penny for every person that has looked at me and made a comment about "wondering what was going on in that mind of mine", I'd be able to quit my job and play with Maddy every day! :) I over think everything and anything. There are definite aspects of this deep thinking that I like and think are positive, however there are times when it works against me. Going back to a central theme in my life...balance. Finding the midway point between digging into deeper layers of people, situations, life, etc, but also being able to separate myself. Conversations. Actions. Thoughts. They all just dwell in my mind until I have over analyzed every possible aspect of the situation.

This blog has taken up a considerable amount of time this evening. I wonder how, if it is at all possible, I could start shorten these ramblings. I just keep going and going and going. But, at least you can just close it out and move along if you can't bear to read any more. :)

Keep your fingers crossed for me that I do not end up with this stomach bug that is going around!!!


spice up your life.

I've been thinking about this blog a lot... for many more hours than I'd like to admit... and what I keep coming back to is... I have no direction for it. I have never written anything, anything personal that is, that I have intended for people to read. I have shared things I have written, but it was either in an impulsive drunken forward or on an anonymous basis. So, I am finding this whole blog to be a bit unnerving. One thing I have been thinking about in particular is what it is that I am so afraid of "sharing" on this blog that I wouldn't share with each of you individually. But that in itself I am unable to answer... maybe because of all the dependent factors: am I drunk when sharing, and I under hypnosis, have I finished a pitcher of Miller Lite at the Dockside, etc... I have been writing for awhile. I write all different types of things, but like I said, none of it is written with the intent of showing it to another person. That is why I find my reaction to this blog to be so interesting and in many ways.. so telling. I just realized, every sentence but 2 begins with an I. Hmm. That must be a writing no-no.

I had a lot of time in my car today. I had a little trip down to good ole' RI. (disclaimer: Emmy, I was meeting up with Sue this am and had to get back for something this afternoon... that is why I did not call to meet up!) Before I get into the overly emotional nostalgic description of my day... I must touch upon something of great importance.

My new playlist.

I hit the roads this morning, giddy with excitment over my new playlist. All I can say is, it delivered. I could've driven cross country! There were some specific highlights I would like to touch upon. (Disclaimer #2: I did not mean for my first 2 posts to be in list form... it just so happened to work out that way :)

1. I'm obsessed with "A Fine Frenzy"

My latest download, "Whisper" is amazing. I can't say enough for this group, well female singer. Each song I hear, I immediately fall in love with. Her voice is amazing. Her lyrics are great. It just doesn't get much better. If you haven't listened to her... then get off your ass and look her up. So many good songs, you really can't go wrong... Almost Lover is now played on the radio (insert the noose around the neck impersonation here... nothing kills a song like having it released on the radio...) A lot of the songs are slow ("Drive off a cliff" according to Danielle...aka. my favorite) but there are some great upbeat ones too.

2. I'll tell you what I want...

"I wanna zig a zig ahhhhhh." Whatever the hell that means... I have no clue. But what I do know is that "Wannabe" by Spice Girls makes me drive really fast. That song is underated. haha! It brings back a strange memory of the girls locker room in high school before a basketball game...someone got the single (on tape). That song just makes me happy. Maybe I will listen to it every day. Oh, and I was extremely impressed with myself as I sang right along barely missing a word, until the little breakdown part, I had to take a breather...

3. Hooters

No, not that Hooters. The other Hooters that makes me drive even faster that the Spice Girls. "And We Danced"... a blast from the past. Another song that just makes me happy... Nothing special about this song, just a jazzy tune and some good cheezy beats bumpin' in the background.

4. Shakespeare what!>

"Stay" by Shakespeare's Sister. This song is slightly creepy, but addicting. It reminds me of my sister when she was in college-- here is a shout out to any UMASS people. I used to love this song. The magic of technology has reunited me with it... It sounds like something that should play in a murder scene of a movie...yet, I love it. Go figure. I'm wierd like that.

5. Pick a name people

"Check It Out" by John Cougar or is it John Cougar Mellancamp. Who the hell knows. Why can't someone just take a name and keep it... yes, I'm talking to you Prince and P. Diddy. This song just makes me want to do something productive. I can't explain it well... but, I hear it and I want to go save the world. But, I'd need a superheroes cape for that... Love the tone of this song though.

6. Mo' Money Mo' Problems

The first chord of any Mace and-or Puff Daddy (back in the day) song remind me of frat parties in college. Of course I had to hear a few of those on my journey back... I could just smell the stale beer on the floor and stench of an "all male" living arrangment. Busta brings me back to those times as well... Hey Em, remember the night we got dressed up to go out and some asswipe threw a mud balloon out the dorm window. That was awesome. It hit the stair in front of us and covered us in mudd. Good stuff. Lucky for me I had on black Dr. Martens so it wiped right off.

7. Tarzan Boy

I have unleashed the greatest 80's song. This may possibly be the song I drive fastest too... Baltimora, Tarzan Boy. Impossible to type the little jungle chant out, but boy can I nail it vocally.

8. Katie Melua & Yael Naim

I just love the sound of their voices (2 separate artists) and the distinct sound of their music. I had to throw them in here.

9. Heather Nova & Mat Kearney

I'm starting to double people up here cause this blog might turn into a novel. Lyrically, they are amazing. Love, love, love them.

I had to cut myself off there, otherwise I would've walked you through my entire drive and I hope you have something better to do than read that!

Now. On to the campus trip. Each time I go to that campus, I get a funny little turning feeling in my stomach. I can't figure out exactly where this stems from, but somewhere along the lines of realizing that life always goes on. I think of people I love and care about from those years and how our lives just continue on. It's moments like these (the rides down and back from URI) that I get strangely deep. Even deeper than usual for me, which is frightening. I don't think I could accurately describe the thought process in my mind regarding all of this, but it does follow the lines of what I mentioned already as well as the reflection of where I am at this point in my life in comparison to where I was and where I could be.

I stood in the middle of the Quad today and looked at the space around me. So much of the campus had changed, yet so much was the same. (cliche quote, I know) Just stepping foot on the campus brings back flashbacks of memories, most of which I'd like to forget. Yet, through all of those memories, I have held onto the good ones which make me love and miss URI so much. In my last, or first I guess, blog I talked about regret. That is what URI represents to me. Regret. I think about that regret often and deal with it in my own way which means some combination of dwelling on it or ignoring it.

The campus has changed, that is for sure. I met up with Sue today and for those of you who know who Sue is, that is embarrassing enough that that is my familiar face to return to... But, Sue and I went to the "new Hope" dining hall. Wow. It is a far cry from the old Hope. There will be no "Kimmy" scenes at this new Hope. haha. It's AMAZING. I ordered my nonfat sugarfree carmel mochiatto while Sue munched on pizza, looking strangely at my drink, haha, and we caught up. (oh, by the way, Hi from Sue to Marla and Emily) All I can say is it is a mixed blessing I am not a student at URI right now. The new Hope has Starbucks and a sitting room like Panera Bread with couches and a fireplace! I would've spent all my time there drinking coffee and typing... even if Starbuck doesn't have the "Tank", I would've lived there. OR, I would've lived at the NEW FITNESS FACILITY they are building where ROJO's is (was). I can't even fathom my life with a fitness center next to my dorm and starbucks literally across the street. That would have been dangerously awesome! But, no Rojo's!> I'd love to give a shout out to Cap'n Ken, wherever he may be! I hope he has found a place with yummy grilled cheese sandwhiches and chicken nuggest to replace those he had at Rojo's...

Some things in campus looked the same. The canon was in its place at the edge of the quad, I really wanted to jump on top of it and pose again. haha. Wheel's car was parked in it's official handicap spot in back of Roosevelt Hall. (Yes, I look to see if it's there each time and I chuckle when it is...) There were girls in black yoga pants that were most definitely from a sorority and NJ, there were loud rap songs blaring from speakers of a low riding Honda, Hopkins Hall balcony (shit, I forget our room number) looked unassumingly entertaining, and there were squirrels running rampant. Oh and parking SUCKED.

I'm losing track of this blog. I figured this would happen. How did I want to end...

I bought Maddy her first URI shirt today... when she is a little older, I will get her the necessary URI hooded sweatshirt to match her Aunt. They had the grey Phys Ed hooded sweatshirt which would be quite appropriate. (I had to mention Maddy at some point...)

In closing. A-hem, clearing my throat. My trip to Rhody was brief, but successful. I escaped with a less that average anxiety attack over the thought of getting old, warded off a severe International Pockets craving, and somehow avoided a ticket in my illegal parking spot! That may be the most amazing feat of all! I laughed as I drove by the chemistry building and noticed a campus security car parked on the side where the street was. I thought back to when I had class in that building and the ridiculous parking spots we made up. Doesn't look like that was happening any more.

URI will always be special to me, as I know it will be for those of you who went there as well. While a lot of the memories I have from those years are difficult to think back on, there are so many more goods ones that shine through. It was at URI that I learned and experienced the true meaning of friendship. I saw how an old friendship could bend with life experiences and bounce back to its truest form due to the foundation in which the relationship was built upon. I met new friends that have become an integral part of my life and could never imagine my life without. Through struggles and smiles all these people and experiences have contributed to the person I think I am today. Which I believe, is much better than the person I was going into college.

Wooooo... cause we're Rhode Island born and we're Rhode Island bred... and when we die we'll be Rhode Island dead, so... Go Go Rhode Island Island, Go Go Rhode Island Island, Go Go Rhode Island Island... U-R-I!


and so, here I am...

I've thought about starting an official blog for awhile... Anyone that has received an email from me knows that I have a tendency to ramble... So, maybe a blog is the place for me. I have been writing in a different blog, but I was using it as more of a journal. In true Lauren fashion it is an anonymous way to write and not have to face my thoughts in real time. I could probably create an entire other blog that examines why I feel the need to have 2 separate blogs. But, somethings are better left alone.

Before you read any of my ramblings, I must give a disclaimer. I write like I speak and I suck at grammar. So, for any grammar snobs, you may not want to read any further. I also have the attention span of a squirrel and find myself jumping around from topic to topic. With that being said, welcome to the inner ramblings of my mind. Hopefully I won't scare anyone off!!

So, the other day I was talking to some of the girls on the basketball team and they were asking me questions about, well pretty much everything. Then someone asked, "Do you ever feel like you are reliving your high school years>" (Note to any readers: my question mark key is still broken, I know, I'm lazy and should have gotten this fixed a long time ago... maybe it will be a vacation goal for myself). My first reaction was embarrasment. I thought, "OH god, how embarrassing that people might think I am trying to relive those years." Which, I promise I am not. I've been thinking about this question a lot over the past few days and started to think of things I would redo if I had the chance...

1. Wearing your father's flannel shirts is not hot.
My dad is 6'6. I am 5'8. Wearing his flannel shirts to school was not the most flattering outfit I could have gone for, yet, I seemed to find myself searching through his closet more days than not. He had one shirt that complimented my "flannel" chuck taylors nicely.

2. The beauty of wax
I blame my sister for this one. I give her an "F" for not performing one of her sisterly duties at an earlier age. I am of course referring to the issue of my eyebrows. I wonder how she looked at me for so many years and never said, "Lauren, I am going to do you the biggest favor I could... give me the tweezers." She was supposed to be good at that stuff. She was the cooler, more stylish older sister. I look back at old pictures and cringe. There is nothing wrong with a good waxing. The bangs didn't help my cause either. I looked like a schnauzer.

3. Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.
I used to get extremely irritated when anyone would tell me to "relax". The more someone said it to me, the more worked up I would get (actually, this still gets under my skin). The world didn't stop because I missed a shot in a game or lost a match. I wish I had let myself have fun playing sports. I could've been an amazing athlete, but I got in my own way. Talk about self destructive mind games. One bad shot, and I turned off for the night. Nearly every day I regret this... I had the work ethic and potential, but wan't mentally tough. High school sports have way too much drama. My all or nothing thinking (or as they say catastrophizing) has always played a hand. I took everything too seriously and then applied it to all aspects of my life. I wish I handled the pressure better. Now, I just drink wine. haha.

4. What, go to a party and risk getting in trouble!>
While I am proud of the decisions I made in high school (for the most part!) I do wish I had more experiences. Friday nights during my freshman and sophomore years were spent playing basketball. All twelve months. Out doors, indoors, in the rain, after chipping ice off the drive way (yes, I was that neurotic...actually I loved playing in my driveway in the snow... it was fun to practive diving for loose balls in the snow banks). I was always so worried about getting caught or kicked off a team I never did much of anything. I wish I had some more "normal" high school experiences. Who knows if they would have really been worth it, but if I could go back and do it again... I'd want some more Zima. haha

5. 90210 is not reality
I remember wondering at which point my life would suddenly reflect that of Brenda Walsh. When I was in middle school I watched Beverly Hills 90210 with my sister, well when I was able to sneak it past my mom. Apparently Carolyn did not think that 90210 was teaching appropriate life lessons... But, somewhere along the line I fell for the media lie. I assumed that in high school I would suddenly be sophisticated and "cool". It never happened, but I kept waiting. Luckily, unlike Donna Martin, I didn't almost forfeit my graduation.

6. Boys. They don't have cooties>
I don't have many memories of successful interactions with boys in high school. I know I drove one to school. haha. And my friend Danielle has told me I did have conversations with them, I just dont seem to remember this. Why was I so intimidated by them. I look at them now and realize how clownishly immature they are... but realize that is exactly what was intimidating. I know I sat near some in classes and talked with them. But, socially, I wasn't so quick with the conversation. Im wondering if any of this links back to 6th grade when I had an incident with Chris Dillon. He was making fun of me and called me an "Amazon". He then asked me if I chopped off my right boob so I could shoot my bow and arrow more easily. Without a thought I picked him up and literally flipped him onto the ground. Haha. Ms. Marsh kind of yelled at me, remember her she taught at MHS and retired a few years ago, but she didn't seem too mad. Not as mad as she was throughout the year when I continued with my obnoxious antics. Before I digress too much, let me get back to the point. I guess I was waiting for my inner (and outer) Brenda Walsh to blossom and for boy to see me walking down the hall with an aura of light outlining me after which he would profess his love for me. But, that never happened. I had a little prom date truama as well. Haha. I think I am getting to the roots of my social issues! :) Though, in college I was still receiving "flirting" lessons from my sister... I've always been better with puppies.

I could probably drag that list on forever. As I type, I am thinking of so many more lessons I would love to go back in time and teach myself. I'm sure I will add to this list randomly. So, in conclusion... to make a long answer short. No. I definitely do not feel like I am reliving my high school years nor would I ever WANT to relive those years. At times I have definitely wished to go back and have another try, but only now knowing what I know now. My father once said to me "You do not want to live your life full of regrets". He said this to me when we were down at UCONN stalking Rebecca Lobo and I was covered in hives because I was so excited (ok, am I painting a picture of why it was hard to get a prom date!). I was a senior in HS then literally feet away from my idols and yet I could not let myself enjoy it. I watched them walk past me, arms distance away and clammed up. My father knew if I didn't talk to one of the players or get a picture I'd always regret it and he was right. I do regret it. (Im also horribly embarrassed because I truly looked "special" standing in the middle of the hall shaking, covered in hives, holding a camera, piece of paper for autographs and a pencil, yet never using any of it.) At that point in my life I had already begun to regret certain things in my life... Things I had felt I held myself back from experience. I told myself, and even have old journal entries about this, that I would not feel the same way looking back on my years at college. Fast forward a good 10 years and I am still rying to remind myself of this, unsuccessfully. Safety in routine. Safety in what you know. It only adds to the regret. I've given up on Brenda Walsh, thankfully because she is quite homely! There is my silver lining.

And one final note. The spell check isn't working, so I am sure there are some butchered words in there... my apologies..