Well, I am back for all you faithful readers (note sarcasm) with an update on little Simey Frederick.
It has been a long coupld of days here. Simey has been doing alright, his hole, for lack of a better word (ucleration, I guess) is looking a bit better which is good. But, he definitely isn't feeling right. He has been vomiting daily which is concerning and upsetting. Although, over the week or so that he's been getting sick, I have gotten extremely successful at catching it in "the bucket". I know that's gross, but I feel a little bit of pride, motherly pride, in being so quick to react. It is heartbreaking though. To see Simon with his cone on and getting sick breaks my heart. Last week after he got sick he was just sitting down on the floor looking completely desperate. It kills me...and Tim as well. He has been moping around, just acting under the weather. While I love the cuddles, I hate that he isn't feeling well. This evening out of the blue he threw up. I was a split second too late, I got the remaining of his heave on his placemat. Then he was walking across the dining room with a funny little trot. Something was wrong, then I heard the noises. I grabbed him and held him over the sink. Just in time. I just wish he could feel better.
He went back to the doggie hospital yesterday. We dropped him off around 8:30, which was difficult because he was having an exceptionally cute day (then again, what day isn't!). We waited patiently for a call back and then gave in and I called only to be told to wait for the call. The surgeon called back and said we were moving ahead with another procedure to extract his sutures and replace them with "stainless steel" sutures that were "entirely inert". Oh, don't worry folks, she is only charging us for sutures and anesthesia... so its only $400. A drop in the bucket in comparison.
I had 2 close calls in the animal hospital. First of all upon arrival, one of the uber- friendly (and ultra dorky, oh that's mean) receptionist greeted Simon with an appropriate level of enthusiasm. After all, he is the cutest thing ever. But then she went into a full recap of Oprah's show from last Friday, the one i deliberately avoided (even avoided the commercials) on puppy mills because I knew the outcome would be dramatic and scarring for me. So, this girl starts rattling off information from the show, including how one of the dogs looked exactly like Simon but black. She also went on about the euthanasia and such. I was about one minute away from making a comment to her to stop talking. I tried to ignore her, but it was difficult. It was not something I wanted to be hearing as I dropped my dog off at the doggie hospital. Simon sneezes and I have panic attacks about putting him to sleep. Surgery and his health lately are overwhelming enough. I do not need the trauma of hearing about puppy mills. Side note: at the mall this weekend, I was trying to get by the pet store as quick as possible and the dogs were barking and I started to tear up. I know issues.
The second situation... We went to pick Simon up. Tim and I were both excited to get him back. As we made our way into the sitting area I saw a couple that was obviously distressed. The woman was crying and had her head on the man's shoulder. I noticed a small carrier on the floor. I wondered if it was a dog or cat... or anything at all because it was quiet. Tim and I sat in the chairs behind this couple and I could not keep my mind off of the poor woman. I could hear her sniffling. A moment later we heard the most heart wrenching yelping, cry from the carrier by the woman's feet. I looked over my shoulder and saw her put her fingers through the cage door while reassuring the small dog (who we later found out was named "Skiddy"). Hearing those sounds sent chills through my spine. The tears immediately rose to my eyes. I thought about the woman and how controlled she was. I had a feeling if i were in that situation I would be quite the spectacle! haha. The vet tech came out to talk to them about Skiddy. I couldn't hear what was wrong, but it didn't sound good. The tech said she would get a room ready for them to meet with the doctor. As we pulled out of the parking lot, with Simon, I was still upset about Skiddy. As Tim pointed out, if Skiddy's owners were that emotional and cared that much, then he obviously had a great life and lots of love. Its still too sad to think about.
While the vet tech was talking to Skiddy's parents, I was distracted by the spastic sound of claws on a tile floor. There was no question in my mind that Simon was on his way out. I heard the vet say, "Simon, slow down, it's ok buddy" and laughed to myself. Next thing I knew he came sprawling around the corner pretty much belly crawling with all 4 legs out to the sides and the cone smashing off the ground. I quickly went to greet him and then felt guilty because as Simon was jumping (against Dr. orders!) for kisses and giving Tim and I the world's best greeting, I realized we were in Skiddy's parents and only a few feet away from them. It was then that we were told some of the most utterly surprising news of our lives...well of Simon's life I suppose...
The vet tech said that Simon got the "Gold star of the day award" (if only they really had such a thing so I could make a little scrap book for him) for his behavior. Earlier when the surgeon called she had also complimented on his behavior to which I scarfed at. She said he was "great, unlike his neighbor who was banished to the back room because of barking." But not our Simey. He was a shining star yesterday. :) We are so proud of him. haha.
Keep your fingers crossed for him tomorrow. It will be his third surgery since September. Its a lot for such a little guy, as everyone keeps reminding us. I know he'll do fine, I just want him feeling better soon. The weather is going to be nice, hopefully, and I need my walking buddy back! We will report back tomorrow... with good news of course.
Sorry for the long, long ramble about Sime-a-doodle but, he deserves it. Plus, I know his Godmother, who is possibly his biggest fan, is an avid blog reader and I haven't given her a good update on his condition as of late. :)
1 comment:
Congratulations Simey!! Your godmother is so proud of you! I always knew you were a gold-star guy. I will be thinking about you and your family today. Get well soon, little guy. I love you!
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