A hamburger. Or possibly a cheesburger. Either one sounds delicious right about now. Not just any burger though... one from the "Golden Arches".
Yep, that's what I am talking about. For about 3 years now I have been craving a hamburger from there. I would settle for even a bite, or two, but for some reason, I just cannot give into this craving. I know, it sounds pretty ridiculous, its just a hamburger. But, the longer I have staved off this craving the guiltier I feel for giving into it. I'm not sure what record I am trying to set for myself or what reward I am going to recieve, but I feel as if I can't give in now. I believe my last hamburger from McDonald's was during my junior year of highschool. I could be wrong, but I am willing to bet that. I may have had a bite of someone's since then, but I do not remember. I can practically taste that warm pickle that is randomly tossed in the middle of the patty. I have had many moments of near weakness when I have been wavering on my craving, but have managed to drive my car in the opposite direction of the drive through window. I can't lie, I'd love to add in a nice chocolate shake and order of fries with that burger. Someday. Don't worry, I'll be sure to update you all on here when I do give in. It's riveting material... my world is oh-so-exciting.
Speaking of exciting. I had a fantastic raspberry lime rickey martini last night at Stearns & Hill Bistro in Melrose... 2 thumbs up. I think I need to go back soon for another one... Anyone want to come with me!>
Tim and I have officially booked our honeymoon. Watch out Aruba, I am coming down and I am getting my moneys worth of alcohol at the all inclusive resort we are staying at. Though, I am a little concerned with the all you can drink we'll be having while simultaneously sporting lycra. I guess I will just sit at the swim up bar where I can hide some of myself underwater while I sip away. Its worth it! But really, I couldn't be more excited about going on vacation. Tim and I are not big jet setters. Our last "real" vacation was also our first vacation! We went to Florida in 2002. Partied with Mickey Mouse... we know how to do it right. This trip however, is going to be fantastic. If only we could skip the whole plane part of the trip, it'd be perfect. I am not a huge fan of flying... luckily we leave at 5:30 am so I am hoping that I will be so bleary eyed that I won't have time to panic. It is always a little embarrassing when gasps and little whimper noises come out of my mouth in public. Ive never been a good flyer. I just assume I'm going to crash. I remember when I was younger boarding planes and saying to myself, "This is the last time you'll walk on the ground." I've always been dramatic as well as anxious. haha.
My reading spree is still going full steam ahead. I am just about to start another Sarah Dessen book. I can't say they are written masterpieces, but they are definitely fun to read and easy to get sucked into. I have read about 7 of them in the past week... in addition to a bunch of other similar books.
I think that is about it for my update. Simey and I head back to the vet for another recheck tomorrow. Hopefully we will report back with good news. The poor little guy has had a rough few months. I am off to finish off some Sunday chores (laundry- good times), watch some more basketball (which means an excuse to drink beer), and read some more teen fiction. Fun night ahead for me here in Wakefield!